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The Research Team

The core members for the HEAD project were:


Professor Peter Barrett (Lead Investigator)

Peter qualified originally as a chartered building surveyor and then gained an MSc in Construction Management and a PhD in the management of professional practices. He was at Salford University for 27 years during which time the built environment group there became the strongest in the UK and he fulfilled roles from Head of School to Pro-vice Chancellor for Research. He was also President of the Conseil International du Batiment for three years to 2010 and active on the UK and EU research strategy panels for construction. Peter initiated and led the HEAD project throughout.


Peter is now Emeritus Professor at Salford, Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Education at Oxford University and carries out international consultancy, training and writing around school design in particular and optimal built spaces for people in general. His personal website provides further details of his various activities and outputs. His CV is available here.


Core Team Members


Dr. Yufan Zhang

Yufan is an architect with a PhD in environmental design.  She was involved in the early preparatory work leading to the HEA project and then her focus was on the identification of the classrooms’ environmental design in order to better understand the characteristics of beneficial spaces for pupils and teachers. Dr Zhang is now employed in the School of Arts Design and Architecture at the University of Huddersfield.


Dr. Fay Davies

Fay originally trained as a physicist, with expertise in mathematical modelling and statistical analysis.  She also has some experience in the teaching profession and was able to bring all this together very productively into the main phase of the HEAD project . Her role in the project was to liaise with schools for the collection of the pupil performance data of the project and to lead on the subsequent statistical analysis and multilevel modelling. Fay is now working in the Schools' team at Rochdale Council.


Dr. Lucinda Barrett

Lucinda carried out the original literature synthesis and organised the international workshop of sensory experts in 2007 that together established the foundation for the long term effort that led to the HEAD project. Within the project itself she was deeply involved in the collection of data in the classrooms studied, as well analysing the soft data collected via teachers themselves. Lucinda has left Salford and carries out international consultancy commissions around school design

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